The Connection Between Pregnancy and Varicose Veins

When a woman becomes pregnant, many physiological and emotional changes can take place — a rise in hormone levels, an increase in blood volume, and an increase in uterus size, just to name a few.

These physiological changes during pregnancy are also often accompanied by a long list of physical symptoms, including:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination
  • Faster heart rate
  • Higher resting body temperature

Another common symptom of pregnancy is varicose veins. While many people who aren’t pregnant experience these painful, bulging veins, pregnant women are at a greater risk of developing them, especially in the legs. Here is a list of the reasons behind the connection:

Increased Blood Volume – A pregnant woman has about 50 percent more blood volume than when she was not expecting. This increase in blood volume places an extra burden on her veins, which are already fighting against gravity to push the blood back up from the lower extremities to the heart. This has a tendency to cause the walls of the veins to weaken, stretch and sag.

Pressure on the Inferior Vena Cava – As a pregnant woman’s uterus grows and becomes heavier, it puts more and more pressure on the major vein that runs on the right side of her body, called the inferior vena cava. This increases the blood pressure in her legs which, again, places an added strain on her veins.

Progesterone Levels – Another connection between pregnancy and varicose veins is the increased levels of the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body during pregnancy. The heightened levels of this hormone cause the walls of the veins in her body to dilate and relax. This increases the likelihood that the veins will swell and bulge, becoming varicose veins.

How to Avoid Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

Varicose veins can be painful and cause a sense of “heaviness” and burning sensations in the lower extremities. There are things that pregnant women can do to prevent or minimize the impact of varicose veins including:

  • Regular exercise to help maintain healthy blood flow
  • Elevating feet and legs throughout the day, especially after sitting or standing for extended periods of time
  • Avoiding crossing legs or feet as this can hinder blood flow
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Changing body positions periodically to maintain proper blood flow
  • Sleeping on the left side of the body, which relieves some pressure on the inferior vena cava
  • Wearing compression stockings, which help foster efficient blood flow from the lower extremities

Healthy Veins During Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings with it a surplus of symptoms — emotional and physical alike — that contribute to the growth and birth of a baby. While varicose veins are more likely during pregnancy, there are things pregnant women can do to reduce their risk by managing exercise, weight, daily activity and sleep positions. After delivery, varicose veins typically reduce and disappear.

If you have questions about your risk of varicose veins during pregnancy, give the vein specialists a Total Vein Care a call today at (225) 245-2540 to schedule your next appointment.

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Does Crossing Your Legs Cause Varicose Veins?

Many of you have heard it before “Crossing your legs will cause varicose veins.”

The debate has gone on for ages, but what’s the truth? Can simply crossing your legs too often be one of reasons you’re developing varicose veins, or is it just a myth?

The truth is that crossing your legs is not a direct cause of varicose veins, but heavy amounts of pressure on the legs can be a contributing factor.

To understand varicose veins, you must first understand how veins work. Veins are the transport vessels from various regions of the body through which blood travels back to the heart. One-way valves within the veins prevent the blood from flowing backward.

Simply put, varicose veins develop when the one-way valves become weakened or damaged, forcing the blood to back up or pool in the vein. This increases pressure inside the vein, which can cause other valves to begin failing. In this way, vein disease is progressive, meaning that it gets worse without treatment. Eventually, the pooling and increased pressure causes the veins to stretch and expand, resulting in bluish, dark, swollen, bulging and twisted veins.

Some factors that will affect your chances of developing varicose veins include:


With advanced age comes the possibility of weakened or damaged veins. Over time, your veins can lose their elasticity, causing them to stretch. With this lack of bounce-back, the valves that support the one-way pumping of blood don’t do their job as well, resulting in the pooling of blood in the veins.


If your mother or grandmother had varicose veins, it is likely you could, as well, because varicose veins are hereditary. In addition, while varicose veins occur in both men and women, women are affected by them disproportionately.


With pregnancy comes a lot of changes to the way the body functions. This includes the increased volume of blood moving from the legs to the pelvis, to support the fetus. A side effect of this circulation change is that the veins in the legs may swell, especially in the third trimester when the most pressure occurs.


If your job requires you to sit or stand for extended amounts of time, this could play a role in the development of varicose veins. Keeping your legs in the same position all day can affect the way the blood circulates in your body, especially the legs.

Keep in mind that any time there is added pressure that restricts or alters circulation, especially in your legs, it could become a contributing factor to varicose veins.

There is no way to completely avoid varicose veins, but there are some things you can do to help prevent them. Surprisingly, these preventive steps are the same steps you can take to alleviate the discomfort that accompanies existing varicose veins.

  • Exercise
  • Compression stockings
  • Leg elevation
  • High-fiber, low-salt diet
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Don’t sit or stand for extended amounts of time
  • Avoiding high heels

For any other questions you may have about the causes and treatment of varicose veins, call Total Vein Care at (225) 245-3540 today and schedule your appointment with one of our expert vein specialists.

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Understanding Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a frustrating and exhausting condition that can affect many areas of your life, especially your sleep schedule. Though this well-known medical condition sounds relatively harmless, severe cases of RLS can cause symptoms that lead to chronic sleep deprivation.

What are the signs and symptoms of restless legs syndrome?

Restless legs syndrome obtained its name from the irresistible urge to move your legs to relieve the annoying sensations it causes. Symptoms can come and go, ranging from mild to severe. They are much worse at night, when you are trying to rest. For some, symptoms can even impair their quality of life. Common sensations associated with RLS are:
• Itching
• Throbbing
• Aching
• Creeping
• Crawling
• Pulling
• Twitching
• “Pins and needles”

What are the causes of restless legs syndrome?

The cause of RLS is not well understood, but there are a few factors that are associated with the development of this condition. Some research has shown that genes can play a role; many of those who suffer from RLS have a family member who suffers, as well.

Other factors include:

  • Pregnancy – RLS during the last trimester of pregnancy is common due to low levels of iron. Symptoms typically fade within a month after delivery.
  • Chronic diseases or conditions – People with chronic conditions and diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, anemia, kidney failure and peripheral neuropathy can manifest symptoms of RLS.
  • Medications – Certain medications such as cold and allergy medications, anti-nausea medications, antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs can exacerbate symptoms of RLS.
  • Age – Symptoms of RLS generally worsen with age, and the likeliness of suffering from this condition increases after the age of 50.
  • Gender – Though anyone can develop RLS, women are more likely to experience symptoms than men.

Diagnosing restless legs syndrome

Because there is no medical test to diagnose RLS, a process of elimination must be used to rule out other possible causal conditions. The diagnosis involves the patient answering questions about family history, symptoms, medical history, medication use and sleep patterns. Most patients will be diagnosed with RLS if they display these four criteria:
• An urge to move their legs due to uncomfortable sensations
• The urge gets worse during periods of rest or inactivity
• The sensations are partially or totally relieved by movement
• The sensations and urge to move are worst at night

Treatment options for restless legs syndrome

For those who experience mild to moderate symptoms of restless leg syndrome, there are a few easy ways to relieve some symptoms. A few simple lifestyle changes — like incorporating regular exercise, maintaining normal sleep habits, and minimizing the use or consumption of caffeine, tobacco and/or alcohol — can make a huge difference. Leg massages, hot baths, ice packs or heating pads are also other options for relief from the “crawling” or “pins and needles” feelings of RLS.

Keep in mind that every case of RLS is different, and depending on the severity of the case, treatment options will vary. A specialist can also prescribe certain medications that may be able to provide relief, if needed.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Restless Legs Syndrome, call the experts at Total Vein Care at (225) 245-3540 to speak with a professional today.

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What is a Venous Ulcer?

Venous ulcers can occur when there is insufficient blood flow from the legs. When the valve in the vein does not function properly, blood pools in the veins and can seep into the surrounding tissue. The tissue becomes damaged and hardens, usually resulting in skin discoloration and sores. These ulcers do not always arise when there is venous insufficiency, but if you do have varicose veins or other vein disorders, you may be at risk.

Risk Factors and Symptoms

The risk factors for venous ulcers are similar to other vein disorders, such as smoking, obesity, standing or sitting for long periods of time and lack of exercise. If you have deep vein thrombosis, the risk for ulcers is also quite high. Once the ulcers have formed, you will start to see physical signs. The skin around the affected vein can become discolored, usually red or purple like a bruise. The skin can then become dry and itchy. The skin can also break and become infected, which can be extremely painful. It is best to seek help from a trained physician at the first sign of the ulcer. If left untreated for too long, it may be hard to treat or get rid of the ulcer completely.


Treatments can vary, depending on the severity and stage of the ulcer. When the ulcer is still forming, your doctor may recommend elevating your legs to get blood flowing through the area. Improving circulation to your legs is important to not only treat venous disorders but to prevent them as well. Compression stockings are also a useful tool in treating or preventing ulcers. These can be worn daily to increase the blood flow through the legs to the heart. Treating the underlying disorder can help treat ulcers. If you have a venous disorder such as varicose veins you should seek medical treatment to ensure the problem does not become worse. A board-certified vein specialist will work with you in determining the best course of action for you.

The professionals at Total Vein Care can help you prevent vein-related health problems. Call (225) 245-3540 to set up a consultation or learn more by going to

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March is Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month

This month marks the 12th year of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month. Raising awareness of this potentially deadly disorder is paramount to preventing it. DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein, typically in the leg. If the clot becomes dislodged, it can travel to major organs like the lungs and brain. Between 350,000 and 600,000 people each year are diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis, and most of these cases could have been prevented through awareness of the risk factors and lifestyle changes.

Risk factors

Sedentary lifestyle – inactivity is one of the biggest risk factors for blood clots. When you remain sedentary for too long, blood can pool in veins and begin to clot. Exercise or daily movement, especially after sitting for long periods of time, can help prevent this.

Age – Although there is nothing you can do about getting older, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle as you get older. Exercising and eating better can help reduce the risk of diseases that lead to age-related problems.

High blood pressure – Checking your blood pressure regularly can help you determine if you may be at risk. High blood pressure indicates a problem with how your blood is circulating. If you do have high blood pressure, medication may be necessary to regulate it. Eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol can also lower blood pressure.

Birth control pills – Some birth control pills have a hormone called drospirenone that has been linked to blood clots. Consult your doctor to know what your birth control contains, to lower your risk.

Long plane flights – Between the cabin pressure and the long periods of sitting, a plane flight can be a dangerous adventure. Standing, or walking around the plane, can help combat blood clots. Wearing compression stockings can also prevent DVT.


If you think you may be at risk, you should check yourself for several symptoms that could indicate deep vein thrombosis. Leg swelling is a tale-tell sign of DVT. Pain, itching and burning sensations can also be present. The skin around the affected area can become discolored. If you see any of these signs, you should seek immediate medical attention.

For more information about deep vein thrombosis and other vein disorders, contact Total Vein Care at (225) 245-3540. Our vein experts can help you!

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The Facts About VNUS Closure

At Total Vein Care Louisiana we are committed to providing you with the latest technologically advanced procedures. The VNUS Closure, also known as radiofrequency ablation, is a minimally invasive treatment that can be performed in our office by our trained physicians. Having varicose veins is troubling enough, without having to go through lengthy and painful treatments. With the VNUS closure method the veins in question can be treated in less than an hour with local anesthetic. With this procedure you will be back to your normal routine within a day.
How Does VNUS Closure Work?
The doctors and staff will walk you through the procedure as it is performed and will answer any questions you may have. The area being treated will be locally anesthetized so that you do not feel any pain. Our doctor will gently make a small incision, usually at the knee, where a catheter is inserted. When the catheter is placed, radiofrequency energy is used to heat the varicose vein, leading to its collapse. Once the problem vein is closed the blood will be redirected to nearby healthy veins. A small scar will be left in place of the vein which will eventually be absorbed by your body.
What is the Recovery Time?
After the VNUS Closure is performed you will be monitored by our doctors for up to two hours to minimize complications. Our doctors will place a compression bandage to help with swelling. You can return to work and other normal activities directly after the procedure. You may be given a pain medicine to minimize any discomfort after the procedure. Take precautions while performing strenuous activity such as exercise for at least a week after the ablation. You will want to allow your body enough time to heal before returning to your regular physical routine.
What are the Side Effects?
Side effects related to the VNUS Closure are minimal. Common after effects are bruising, swelling, numbness and scarring but these are usually short lived. The compression socks and pain medications should help to curb any of these possible problems. Very rarely more serious complications are seen but our doctors will discuss any potential for that before you undergo the procedure. Let us know any other health problems you may have so we can accurately assess your needs.
Total Vein Care Center has performed many of these treatments with great success. You can see our results by checking out our before and after page. Call us (225) 245-3540 today.

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This New Year’s Resolution Can Help Save Your Life

Have you resolved to take care of yourself this New Year? Living in Louisiana, you may think about eating better, getting exercise and quitting bad habits as your resolutions. But what about your total vascular health? Resolving to get healthy means taking care of your health as a whole. Varicose veins are those unsightly bulging veins that look and feel uncomfortable. You may have considered getting them removed, but you thought they were just cosmetic. Varicose veins are not only unsightly, but they can also be physically harmful if left untreated.

Varicose veins develop as the veins in your legs weaken. When the valves in the veins do not work as they should, blood collects in the veins causing them to become enlarged. These veins can become painful and irritating and can cause other health problems. Venous reflux can be a byproduct of varicose veins, causing the large saphenous vein to become damaged. Varicose veins can also signal a deeper vein problem, such as deep vein thrombosis, which is a potentially life-threatening condition. Deep vein thrombosis is when a blood clot develops in the deeper veins in the legs; and if dislodged, it can cause a fatal embolism.

Resolving to get healthy means taking care of possible major problems before they get worse. At Total Vein Care Louisiana we take these issues and treatments seriously. We are dedicated to getting you on the right track for the New Year, so you can be a new you. We offer several different treatments, depending on the severity of your disorder. Endovenous laser treatment, VeinGogh, VNUS vein closure and sclerotherapy are just a few of the treatments we offer. We have 4 talented physicians that are here to treat you with the utmost professionalism and respect. We pride ourselves on making our patients feel as comfortable as possible during this process.

Take your resolution in your own hands by making an appointment with one of our doctors today. A quick consultation is the first step in getting a new, healthier you in 2015. Call (225) 245-3540 today.

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How To Prepare for Endovenous Laser Treatment

Endovenous laser treatment is a relatively newer procedure that is quickly becoming a more popular way to treat varicose veins, making traditional vein stripping a thing of the past. Vein stripping has long been used to remove these unsightly veins but is more invasive and requires more recovery time. With EVLT patients are able to return to normal activity faster with fewer side effects.

Preparing For Treatment

With both vein stripping and endovenous laser treatment your Louisiana doctor will assess your vein conditions. During the consultation process a full work up will be done to make sure you are a candidate for the particular procedure. Unlike vein stripping, EVLT will allow you to return to your daily routine sooner so you do not have to plan to be away from work or family. Endovenous laser treatment can also be done in under an hour in contrast to the 90 minutes and possible overnight stay when undergoing vein stripping.

What to Expect During the Procedure

EVLT is a minimally invasive procedure requiring the use of a catheter that is inserted into the vein. Using light energy heat is directed into the vein damaging the vein which causes scar tissue. The vein eventually dies and blood is rerouted to nearby healthy veins. The doctor in Louisiana will use a local anesthetic to numb the areas before starting the procedure. Vein stripping requires multiple incisions and stitches making the procedure more painful and much longer than EVLT and will be done under general anesthesia to put you to sleep. With laser treatment large and small veins can be eliminated. Depending on your case, you may need to return for several sessions.


Because traditional vein stripping uses general anesthetic you may have to stay overnight to recovery from the surgery. Also due to the incisions made, physically activity should be halted for days and possibly weeks. Recovery time for endovenous laser treatment in Louisiana is much simpler. You will be required to wear a compression stocking for at least a week, but this should not inhibit your daily activities. Some discomfort after the procedure is normal but is far less than with vein stripping. You will also meet again with your doctor to make sure the vein is closed and healing properly.

If you feel you are a candidate for endovenous laser treatment in the Louisiana area you can contact Total Vein Care at (225) 245-3540 or learn more by going to

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Is Sclerotherapy Right For Your Varicose and Spider Veins?

Sclerotherapy is generally used to treat varicose and spider veins. A salt solution is directly injected into the vein, causing the blood to clot and the vein to collapse. The collapsed vein is then reabsorbed by your body, leaving no visible sign of it. This technique has been widely used to treat smaller veins since the 1930s.

What is involved?

Sclerotherapy is usually recommended by a doctor after reviewing your symptoms and health history. Our trained physicians will counsel you in making the best possible decision to treat varicose and spider veins. Once sclerotherapy is determined to be the best treatment, you will undergo the procedure on an outpatient basis. The treatment takes anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on how many veins are being treated. A chemical called a sclerosant is injected into each vein and pressure is applied to keep the blood from those areas. In some cases you may have several sessions to treat a particular vein. After the sclerotherapy treatment is completed, you may have to wear compression socks for a few weeks to keep pressure on the veins.

What are the side effects?

Sclerotherapy is typically a very safe procedure. Some side effects that can occur after having sclerotherapy are:

  • Bruising and swelling
  • Areas of raised red bumps
  • Small skin sores
  • Darkening of the skin in the affected area
  • Tiny red blood vessels

In some extreme cases blood clots, air bubbles or an allergic reaction can occur. Online preschool in Hyderabad. This is why it is very important to have an up-to-date physical before beginning any treatments.

How effective is it?

Sclerotherapy treatment at our Louisiana offices is effective mostly for smaller varicose veins. Around 50%-80% of veins are eliminated using this technique. This procedure is also used after unsuccessful vein stripping, which is a less effective and more invasive technique. Sclerotherapy can take up to six weeks to work, and in some patients it could take several months. The doctor may ask you to return for more than one session to maximize the effectiveness. You can return to your normal activity level within a few days after the sclerotherapy procedure.

Here at Total Vein Care in Louisiana we specialize in Sclerotherapy in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Call us today at (225) 761-8119. Drs. Olinde, Griffin, Tran & Wilensky are waiting to help you.

Spider Vein Baton Rouge

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